Cost Savings

Using loop ready crates in combination with bottles or cans will reduce your production costs on 3 levels.


Every crate lasts up to 50 return trips. An average craft brewer would benefit from packaging waste reduction for about 10 years. The recurring purchasing cost of cartons, shrink-wraps, plastic clips, cans and other packaging materials would decrease significantly. Using crates in combination with (reusable) bottles is thus a solution worth considering.


Filling beer crates with bottles will also reduce your handling costs in many ways. Packing and returning empty beer bottles will take less time. Your limited space in the brewery will be used more efficiently thanks to the vertical stacking of the crates. Customers such as pubs, clubs and restaurants would also be happy to use stackable crates instead of cartons.


Durable crates offer a better protection of beer bottles during transport and handling. This makes bottle deposits easier and offers the opportunity to introduce reusable bottles in your supply chain. Using protective bottle crates results in less unsellable units, by damage caused during transport, in comparison to other beverage containers.

Ask for a cost calculation

The proof of the pudding is in the eating, so we understand that you want to calculate your savings before introducing crates in your supply chain. Send us an email and we’ll be glad to answer your questions!